Airline Safety Gets The Spotlight

Monitoring cockpit chatter.

Flying 737s with forged licenses.

Kids radioing planes at JFK.

The question of airline safety now has become front-and-center news. And for good reason. The fact is that it is vital, in every aspect of air travel, that safety is the first priority — by a mile. Think about your last flight. Did the flight attendants mention that their main role is the safety of all aboard? It’s true. Sure, they are there for your comfort as well, but the main focus of their training — which is constant — is safety.

Statistics show that air travel is among the safest ways to go. Yes, flight attendants get training, but pilots get even more training to ensure that the journey is always safe. Yes, there have been some lapses that have had dire results. But, it is important to remember that any time these issues arise, there is an army of organizations, people and authorities at the ready to jump in and rectify the situation. It’s curious that all of these are happening all at once, but perhaps this is the spotlight we need to keep safety a priority.

The fact is, things will happen. Most of them are preventable and there are probably plenty to things that happen behind the scenes that we never hear about. Perhaps a situation arose, an agency caught it and nipped it in the bud. Though these issues are alarming, I think that it puts everyone on higher alert — especially the airlines, airports and agencies dedicated to the safety of the millions of passengers who fly the skies every day.

Safety is #1. And there is no better example of that than Captain Chesley “Sully” Sullenberger who is retiring. There may never be a better example of the power of safety and training than his skill. And there are plenty of other pilots out there who get the same training and continually learn the best ways to keep everyone safe in the face of adversity.

If you ever have any questions about travel, even safety, please feel free to drop us a line.


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